Özgörkey Holding, yatırımlarında ekonomik etkinin yanı sıra çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim performansını da temel başarı kriterleri arasında görmekte ve sürdürülebilirlik anlayışını iş modelini merkezinde konumlandırmaktadır.

Faaliyette bulunduğumuz ambalaj, plastik ve tarım sektörlerinde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri’ne önemli katkılar yapabileceğimizin farkında olarak faaliyetlerimizi bu doğrultuda geliştiriyoruz.

Esnek ambalaj sektöründeki bağlı ortalığımız Etapak Ambalaj, Birleşmiş Milletler Küresel İlkeler Sözleşmesi katılımcısıdır.

Türkiye’nin en büyük taze meyve ve meyve suyu konsantresi üreticisi olan Anadolu Etap ve kasa, palet ve konteyner üretimi alanında önde gelen şirketlerden biri olan Etap Enjeksiyon Birleşmiş Milletler Küresel İlkeler Sözleşmesi imzacısıdır.

Anadolu Etap’ın EBRD Sürdürülebilirlik Ödülleri 2021’de Çevresel ve Sosyal En İyi Uygulamalar Altın Ödülü’ne layık görülmesinden gurur duyuyoruz.

Dear Valued Stakeholders,

The whole world is dealing with various global challenges ranging from climate change, water scarcity, and food crisis to poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. Today corporate sustainability is an essential factor to achieve long-term business success and ensuring that companies deliver value to all stakeholders and the society.

The well-being of our employees, the communities we are part of, and the ecology is integral to the health of the business. So, we are obliged to understand the social and environmental impacts, risks, and opportunities of our operations and operate beyond basic responsibility, and in alignment with universal principles, and by taking actions that support the communities around us.

At Özgörkey Holding, we regularly review potential risks related to the business model of our subsidiaries and clearly see the connection between the bottom line and our companies’ environmental, social, and governance practices. Our commitment to UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption is across our own operations. Nevertheless, we know that no business can thrive when the world around us is deteriorating. Thus, we strive to create an impact beyond our operations through Nevzat Özgörkey Environment and Water (NEVSU) Foundation, which aims to raise awareness in the society for the long-term security of clean water resources that are under threat.

The responsibility for the universal principles of corporate sustainability is undertaken by the highest governing body of our holding company, the Board of Directors. We believe that effective change begins with Board leadership. Sustainability requires long-term vision and commitment to ongoing efforts and as leaders, we are also aware that we cannot shift systems alone. We work together with our employees, customers, and suppliers to ensure progress and keep pace with a rapidly changing world.

For both Etapak Baskı Ambalaj and Etap Enjeksiyon Plastik companies, we signed UN Global Compact in 2021, committed ourselves to regularly review and redesign our sustainability strategy, while measuring our sustainability impacts, and transparently reporting on our performance. We also volunteered to be an Early Adopter of the new Communication on Progress (CoP) Framework of UN Global Compact to emphasize our strong commitment. In March and April 2022, we conducted materiality assessments, through internal sustainability strategy surveys & meetings and external stakeholder engagement with the participation of our major customers. Consequently, we determined our priorities among various sustainability topics that we aim to monitor and manage with measurable targets.

In April 2022, we embarked on a new journey of cultural transformation with motto of Care for our Business, Care for our People, and Care for our Environment inspired from our sustainability values.

Subsequently, we adjusted our Code of Conduct, focusing on our relationships with suppliers and other stakeholders in addition to our employees, highlighting our zero tolerance for corruption. In this context, we provided an online ethics training for all our employees.

We aim to support local and national priorities around sustainable development, and affiliate with networks of UN Global Compact to foster learning, partnerships, and advocacy –to advance sustainability philosophy within the society and performance within our operations.

I would like to thank all our employees for their efforts in meeting our sustainability targets, and all our stakeholders particularly our customers for their cooperation in building a more sustainable world together with innovative packaging ideas.

Sincerely yours,

Chairman and CEO